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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Top 10 Favorite Holiday Songs

Hello and happy holidays! I'm sure you've all been bombarded with holiday music everywhere you go, and most of it, well, sucks. Here is a list of my Top 10 favorite UNSUCKEY holiday songs, in no particular order. Plus, a few "bonuses" that technically aren't Christmas songs, but mention Christmas and have that holiday vibe.

1) Merry Christmas/I Don't Want to Fight - The Ramones
2) Little Drummer Boy - Bing Crosby/David Bowie
3) Baby Please Come Home - U2
4) Christmas Rapping - The Waitresses
5) Santa Clause is Coming to Town - Bruce Springsteen (though this is getting OLD)
6) The Hanukkah Song - Adam Sandler
7) D*ck in a Box - Andy Sandberg/Justin Timberlake
8) Happy Xmas - John and Yoko
9) Blue Christmas - Elvis
10) Christmas in Hollis - Run DMC

* Ave Maria - Chris Cornell
* Two Thousand Miles - The Pretenders
* Fairytale of New York - The Pogues

Happy Listening, happy healthy holidays to you and yours!!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Pretty Sure I'm Not Human

Hello and happy holidays! Inspiration (ie COMPULSION) always strikes at the strangest times. Today, after a LOOONNNGG dryspell, I started coming up with a mental list. Maybe the yearend is making me take stock, maybe all my "to do" lists triggered something. More likely, however, I was thinking of the things I SHOULD DO and things I DID THAT REALLY DIDN'T LIVE UP TO THEIR HYPE. So I started mentally ticking off the movies EVERYONE'S seen that I haven't. And then the books/movies I read/saw that EVERYONE loved, but left me saying BFD. So feel free to wonder, like I have, if I'm actually even HUMAN, or maybe I'm missing a crutial DNA that everyone else seems to have IN SPADES.

1) Godfather (any), Goodfellas, Scarface - just too violent
2) Star Trek (any)
3) Rocky (any)
4) Casablanca
5) Gone With the Wind - just too damn long.
6) Fletch
7) whatever the movie is where Meryl streep says , "The dingos took my baby". And let me say, if a dingo DOES really take her baby I do NOT want to EVER see this movie. And it's not the least bit funny.
8) Deliverance
9) Sex and the City
10) It's a Wonderful Life
11) Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
12) James Bond - that's right NONE

1) Bridges of Madison County
2) The Lovely Bones - where's the JUSTICE!?!
3) The Shawshank Redemption
4) The Art of Racing in the Rain - again...JUSTICE?!?!
5) Erin Brockovich
6) The Blindside - Hallmark movie of the week, in my opinion
7) Tuesdays With Morrie

Monday, August 9, 2010

Coining a Term

Here are some useful phrases either I have coined, or dear members of my family have. We use them constantly, sometimes forgetting others may not understand their meaning. I am now sharing them with you. Feel free to incorporate them into your vernacular!

1) "Crying in my own business" - when you cry quietly and secretively, so nobody else will know (ie in the bathroom, at your desk at work, looking out an airplane window, etc.)

2) "Exercise hangover" (also "Food hangover") - that disgusting, spent feeling as if you have a hangover. Only no alcohol was consumed. You either worked out too hard, or ate too much. With an exercise hangover, you feel exhausted even after a nap, and are also usually dehydrated. (But hell, I'm no doctor).

3) "baluga'd" - as in a beluga whale; you achieve this state from eating and drinking waaaayyy too much. You become sluggish, full, and feel generally gross. (After Thanksgiving feast, at a Southern style buffet, etc.)

4) "bing-bong" - a)the puffy, circular pads on certain animal breeds' cheeks, between their lips and noses, and usually contain whiskers. "bing-bongs" are most often found on pugs, Boston terriers, French bulldogs, and pekingese, but are also found on manatees. b) any type of dog that has "bing -bongs"

5) "FaRT" - family reading time. When everyone piles into one bed and has individual silent reading. Also known as a "Reading Party"

6) "Dance Attack" - the phenomenon that causes people (usually kids, but sometimes adults) to break into dance, often for no reason and without music. Can spot a Dance Attack at festivals, birthday parties, playgrounds, etc.

7) "Baby Brain" - the phenomenon that causes a child or adult of normal intelligence to do something incredibly stupid, and with zero forethought. ie - drawing on a wall, cutting your own hair, doodling on your jeans, etc.

8) "hypnotized" - the mental state that ensues when a child is watching television, and therefore cannot be expected to interact with their world around them. ie - Bobby! I told you five times we gotta go!! Sorry, mom, I was hypnotized.

9) "wrestle time" - the time of day when the twins wrestle/fight/roll around; also known as horseplay; also known as "homoerotic playtime".

10) "forced socializing" - any "social" event that you are obligated to do, because it's probably not with "friends", but coworkers, clients, etc.

11) "dirty burp" or "wet burp" - when you burp and accidentally a little vomit comes up. Comedian that slips my name called them "vurps" (vomit/burps).

12) "magel" - a piece of hair or fuzz that gets stuck on your tongue/in your mouth

13) "finky" - a) a nerdy, prissy, dweeby, annoying person. To replace the bigoted, politically incorrect "faggy". Based on 1950's vernacular "fink". b) anything that is nerdy, prissy, dweeby in style.

14) "gudgeous" or "gudgey" - something or someone incredibly sweet and endearing. ie I thought that old man would be rude, but he was a gudgey. Look at this koala! it's so gudgeous!

15) "E.D. " - emergency diarrhea. self explanatory.

16) "The Brener" - the part of your dishwasher where your cutlery goes. It's hinged and has ovals and slots. Named for the people who had to tell us what that part of the dishwasher is for.

Friday, July 30, 2010


Every summer my husband and I pack up the kids (and my mom) and drive down to the beach for a conference he attends there. During the mornings, he's in classes (we're at the beach/pool), and at night, there are different "forced socializing" events held by the Banks and/or Trust Companies to wine-and-dine the attorneys.

As previously discussed, small talk at these events is NOT my forte. I've been out of the workforce for a million years, don't golf or play tennis, and generally have scant little in common with any of the people at these functions. The best I can do to not embarrass my husband or myself is to stand with a cocktail, nod and smile at whomever is talking to me, and wait for an appropriate moment to make a graceful exit. This social model has served me well time-and -time again. Except for: THE SIT DOWN DINNER.

At THE SIT DOWN DINNER, my husband and I arrive at the restaurant dressed beautifully. We are immediately greeted by our charming host and his elegant wife, who make pleasantries and hand me a cocktail. So far, so good. Of course, as an adult, it is my job to judge when I've had "enough" to drink. Yet for some reason, on this particular evening, the signal for when I've had "enough" became hard to spot.

Before Larry and I are escorted to our assigned seats at THE SIT DOWN DINNER, the mingling continues over cocktails. I wonder to myself, "is this the 2nd or 3rd Bourbon and Coke I've consumed?" THAT should have been the signal I've had "enough". But sadly, it wasn't.

We then go to our assigned table for dinner. I'm against the wall, with Larry across from me and said "charming host" to my right. Wine is poured, food is served. I wonder to myself, "what did I order again???". THAT should have been the signal I've had "enough". But sadly, it wasn't.

The entree comes (oh, yay! I ordered the fish!), more wine is poured. I'm engaged in conversation with my table-buddies and proceed to knock over my glass of wine. "Charming Host" quickly righted my glass and nobody was the wiser. Again, THAT should have been the signal I've indeed had "enough". Sigh. It wasn't.

The piece de resistance was just before dessert was served. I looked down at my charger plate, and saw a puddle. A puddle from the wine I had earlier spilled. A puddle that would prevent me from putting dessert onto that plate. Brainstorm! I pick up the charger plate and tilt it, slowly dripping and spilling the red wine that had puddled in it onto the white table cloth of the SIT DOWN DINNER'S table.

THAT was the signal my husband and I BOTH needed to indicate that I finally had "ENOUGH".

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sing Along

Tomorrow we pick up our four children from a month in North Carolina. Seriously, I can't wait. But of course, I started to digress in my thinking to all those wonderful songs we learned at camp (or on the streets) during our so crucial formative years. After laughing till I cried at midnight last night (sorry, Larry!), here's a countdown of my all time favorites, complete with lyrics (as I remember them. Some of these may be "regional", so forgive any self indulgence) ALSO, I feel it's important to note in case anyone from Human Services is reading this that I do NOT condone my children singing these songs . In public:

7) Trick-or-Treat

Trick or treat!

Smell my feet!

Give me something good to eat!

If you don't, I don't care!

I'll pull down your underwear!

* Nice! sexual assault for candy

6) Jingle Bells (sung to tune of Jingle Bells)

Jingle Bells! Batman Smells! Robin laid an egg.

The Batmobile lost its wheel

And the Joker ran away.

5) Dandelion Chant (done while holding a dandelion with your thumb on the flower)

Momma had a baby and its head popped off! (upon which you flick the head of the flower off)

* This particular gruesome imagery may very well be local to New York. Or maybe my sister and I invented it. Not sure. But worth mentioning.

4) Addam's Family "remix" Sung to the tune of the Addam's Family. Now, many of you will know the first verse. However, I've included the lesser known second verse for your enjoyment.

The Addam's family started

When Uncle Fester farted

They all became retarded

The Addam's family!

The house is made of sh*t

And so is Cousin It

Morticia sucks her t*t

The Addam's family!

3) Under the Cherry Tree sung with a reggae beat. *I must note that I don't remember this entire song. Maybe one of my reader's can complete for me?

Under the cherry Tree (da da da da da da)

That's where she showed "it" to me!

It was hairy and black, and it had a crack

Under the cherry tree!

I took out my hairy banana

Under the cherry tree!

(that's all I remember. I must have been so traumatized by the vision of a hairy "banana" that I've buried this one deep in my subconscious. Anyway, I do remember as a young woman being more than relieved to learn that a man's "banana" isn't actually hairy. TMI? sorry.

2) Rupture (chanted) *this song is sort of a spin off, or an homage to the #1 classic vulgar tune of childhood. I must also add that it's probably my husband's fave. EVERYBODY, NOW:

When you're climbing up a rail

And your balls hit a nail

It's a rupture!

When you're sliding into "first"

And you feel something burst

It's a rupture!

When you try to climb a ladder

And you feel something splatter

It's a rupture!

1) Diarrhea!

*The classic "camp" song! I'm sure there are infinite versus - some homegrown, some more standardized. My kids sang this to me thinking they were the first to hear it. And guess what? My mother new this song, too! It's as timeless as they come...sniff...

Diarrhea! cha cha cha!

Diarrhea! cha cha cha!

You can tell by the smell

Someone's not feeling well!

Diarrhea! cha cha cha!

Diarrhea! cha cha cha!

Some people think it's funny

But it's really brown and runny!

I hope you've all enjoyed this trip down memory lane as much as I have. These songs still tickle my funny bone, bring me back in time to the "back of the bus" where all the cool kids sat, have zero redeemable social value, and are sure to survive the test of time.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Get the Soap...

Hello, everybody!

My kids are all at camp, and I miss them dearly. I was thinking how fast they've grown. And with that comes the responsibility of watching what you say. It was a sad day when we had to limit our listening to 50 Cent to times when the kids weren't in the car. But then again, hearing the "N bomb" or "mother effer" coming out of my beautiful baby girl's mouth just felt DIRTY.

I have washed my boys' mouth out with soap for them repeating the word "penis". Not because it's a bad word, but because they were standing on either side of their 7-year old sister, thrusting, and saying "penis" over and over until she cried. They've since changed the word to "weenis", as if I wouldn't know what they were referring to. And aside from the slam to my intelligence, all has been fine.

Then there was the time I was working in my office, on the computer. Harrison was laying on the floor at my side, coloring. He was 3 years old. I'm typing, he's coloring, and I hear out of his precious mouth "cluuuusssssterfuuuuck". Say what?! I ignored that one, thinking if I gave it energy it would sprout wings and fly.

I've had notes sent home from Dean's teacher complaining of potty mouth (the word he used that day was "butt-face"), Madeline asked a chaperon on a 5th grade field trip what a "condom" was (apparently there was a dispenser in the public bathroom they were using), Avery sang a song to me that had the word "ballsack" in it (I'm still traumatized by that one).

Now, here's the fun part...
tell me what's the FILTHIEST, WORST thing you've heard your kid say? C'mon, share! It's fun and therapeutic...

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Secret Handshake

Here's the twins' Secret Handshake:

start facing each other, then...

shake twice with your right hand, shake twice with your left
low-five with your right hand, low-five with your left
high-five right, high-five left
then be the first to kick your brother in the 'nads.