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Monday, June 7, 2010

What ALL Boys Want

For the most part, my twins are all boy, especially Dean, whom I consider a "boy's boy". He's silly, leaves skid marks in his underwear, dresses cool, you get the point.

So I was pretty surprised when he comes downstairs one afternoon and asks if he can play with Avery's dolls. "Sure", I tell him. "Just bring them down here, so I can keep half an eye on you." (And make sure you don't pull any of their heads off, as is his custom). Soon, from the living room drifted the adorable sounds of Dean in his imagination. I had a snack, flipped through a magazine, and still Dean was engrossed in play.

Eventually I was dying of curiosity and wanted to peak at the adorable scene of my son playing with his sister's Barbies. I spied him hunched over, with a Barbie and a Ken in each hand. As I got closer, I saw Barbie was naked, and Ken, also naked, was on top of her. "This is a great date!" I hear Dean squeak in his imagination voice.

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